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Hijamat (Wet Cupping) has long been used to treat certain diseases in many parts of the world. Despite the widespread use of this therapeutic procedure worldwide, peoples of different nationalities and ethnicities have applied their own specific techniques in the course of this practice. It is important to note that this therapeutic approach may be harmful and have irreversible effects in the event of misuse and improper application. In this book, recommendations and practical tips of Hijamat are provided according to Persian Medicine in order to obtain better results and reduce complications. Hijamat and its medical applications are presented in this book through a scientific and rational approach and without any prejudice. This is the first book to be researched and written in English by specialists of the field (traditional medicine graduates) in recent years after the revival of traditional medicine within the Iranian-based academic spheres. Although writing in an international language is not easy to transfer all concepts accurately, it can nonetheless bring views and brains closer both theoretically and empirically. We, authors of this book, are always looking forward to your constructive and scientific criticism.

نمایش بیشتر- بستن
100,000 تومان
بروزرسانی قیمت: 18 سپتامبر 2023
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Hijamat (Wet Cupping) has long been used to treat certain diseases in many parts of the world. Despite the widespread use of this therapeutic procedure worldwide, peoples of different nationalities and ethnicities have applied their own specific techniques in the course of this practice. It is important to note that this therapeutic approach may be harmful and have irreversible effects in the event of misuse and improper application. In this book, recommendations and practical tips of Hijamat are provided according to Persian Medicine in order to obtain better results and reduce complications. Hijamat and its medical applications are presented in this book through a scientific and rational approach and without any prejudice. This is the first book to be researched and written in English by specialists of the field (traditional medicine graduates) in recent years after the revival of traditional medicine within the Iranian-based academic spheres. Although writing in an international language is not easy to transfer all concepts accurately, it can nonetheless bring views and brains closer both theoretically and empirically. We, authors of this book, are always looking forward to your constructive and scientific criticism.

نمایش بیشتر - بستن
پدید آورنده : Roshanak Ghods, Mohammad Hossein Ayati, Narjes Gorji, Reihaneh Moieni
سال چاپ : اول – 1396
تعداد صفحه : 104 صفحه
نوع چاپ : سیاه و سفید
قطع کتاب : رقعی
نوع جلد : جلد شومیز


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